Garnet Valley School District

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ChatGPT - New Technology

Dear Parents, 

We wanted to inform you about a new technology called ChatGPT and its potential impact on education. As you may already know, ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence technology that specializes in generating original responses to questions in real-time through dialogue. While the responses generated by ChatGPT are often well-written and structured, they are not always perfect and can be susceptible to certain biases. 

There has been some concern among educators that ChatGPT may signal the "end of English" and the end of authentic writing assessments. However, at Garnet Valley, we strongly disagree with this perspective. We believe that if technology is going to be a part of our students' lives, it is our responsibility to teach them how to use it appropriately and responsibly. Artificial intelligence, or as we see it, augmented intelligence, is only in its infancy and will play a major role in the lives of our students in the years to come. 

For those parents who have had children in the district for several years, you know that we have faced similar concerns in the past when implementing new initiatives, such as our one-to-one device program and our eSchool@GarnetValley program. Each of these advances has required us to adapt and rethink the way we approach education, including homework, assessments, and even entire bell schedules. We expect that ChatGPT and other emerging technologies will continue to challenge us to evolve and improve the way we educate our students. It is our responsibility to embrace these challenges and use them as opportunities to better prepare our students for their futures.

To assist parents in familiarizing themselves with ChatGPT, we prepared some frequently asked questions and answers. We hope that you find them helpful!


Why is ChatGPT different and why should we care?

ChatGPT is a type of artificial intelligence called deep learning. Deep learning is a subset of machine learning, which is a type of artificial intelligence that involves training algorithms on large amounts of data to enable them to learn and make predictions. In the case of ChatGPT, the algorithm was trained on a large dataset of text data in order to learn the patterns and nuances of human language and be able to generate responses that sound like they were written by a human.

ChatGPT enrolled over one million users in five days. Instagram took two years to enroll one million users and it took Snapchat over a year to do it. Meaning, ChatGPT is not just the newest social media trend, rather, it is a powerful learning tool here to stay. 


What is the difference between a search engine like Google and ChatGPT (AI)?

Search engines like Google are capable of processing thousands of search queries in seconds. However, with billions of websites, finding an exact answer is not always possible. As a result, content providers have tailored and customized their content to match what they believe consumers are searching for.

ChatGPT is a tool that allows users to have a conversation with it by typing or saying their questions or comments, and it responds with a generated response that is based on its training and the input it receives. This makes it different from a search engine, which simply retrieves information that matches the user's search query.


How are students already using ChatGPT and other AI?

Computer-assisted writing tools (aka AI), such as Grammarly or Google Doc’s Smart Compose, already exist — and have long been utilized by many students. Additionally, students who struggle with mathematics concepts have found PhotoMath and other math-specific applications helpful. But it would probably not surprise anyone that some students may already be using more advanced AI to conduct research, write papers, or complete homework. As a district that values the process of learning in addition to the product, our teachers will continue to drive and guide students as they work to ensure their final product is a reflection of their own learning.


How can teachers use ChatGPT with their students? 

We asked ChatGPT the question above and this was its response:

  • As a tool for providing personalized feedback and support: teachers can use ChatGPT to quickly respond to student questions and provide personalized feedback on assignments and projects.

  • As a tool for facilitating group discussions: teachers can use ChatGPT to generate discussion prompts and facilitate online discussions among students.

  • As a tool for generating writing prompts: teachers can use ChatGPT to generate creative writing prompts for students to use as inspiration for their writing assignments.

  • As a tool for enhancing language learning: teachers can use ChatGPT to provide additional practice and support for students learning a new language.

  • As a tool for promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills: teachers can use ChatGPT to generate challenging and thought-provoking questions and prompts that encourage students to think critically and solve problems. 

How can parents use ChatGPT to assist their children with their learning?

We also asked ChatGPT this question, and it provided the answer below:

  • Using AI-powered tutoring or educational apps: There are a number of educational apps that use AI to personalize the learning experience for each student. These apps can adapt to a student's individual needs and provide customized lessons and exercises to help them learn more effectively.

  • Using AI to generate personalized study plans: Some AI tools can analyze a student's performance on past exams and assignments, and use this information to create a customized study plan that focuses on the specific areas where the student needs the most help.

  • Using AI to diagnose learning difficulties: AI can be used to identify patterns in a student's performance that may indicate the presence of a learning difficulty. This can help parents and educators identify the root cause of a student's struggles and develop an appropriate plan for addressing these difficulties.

  • Using AI to facilitate communication with teachers: Some AI tools can be used to help parents stay in touch with their child's teachers and track their progress. For example, some AI-powered platforms allow parents to ask questions, get updates on their child's assignments, and receive alerts when their child is struggling.

Overall, AI has the potential to greatly enhance the learning experience for students, and can be a valuable resource for parents looking to support their child's education.

We hope that you found this communication helpful, and you can be assured that the district will continue to explore not only all of the beneficial uses of ChatGPT but also ensure that it is utilized ethically and appropriately.


Dr. Marc Bertrando, Superintendent