Garnet Valley School District

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Test-to-Stay Program

Dear Parents,

Thanks to the collective efforts of our staff, parents, and students, our Test-to-Stay program continues to operate at full capacity. We have seen a significant increase in the number of participants in the program and so, in an effort to help the program run both effectively and efficiently, we are providing an overview of the requirements needed to participate. 

Important Reminders:

  • Know why you are accessing the testing clinic:

    • The Test-to-Stay program is for close contacts of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

    • The Test-to-Stay program is also for symptomatic staff.

    • The Test-to-Stay program is not assurance testing; we cannot test completely asymptomatic individuals with no confirmed exposure.

  • The quarantine guidelines have changed with the new CDC guidance. Therefore, when you share with us that you are a close contact we will need to know:

    • the date of your exposure, 

    • your vaccination status, 

    • if/when symptoms started, and 

    • whether or not you have been boosted.

  • More detailed instructions will be provided to you from your student's building nurse if your student is identified as a close contact to a positive Covid case.

  • Wait times for testing will vary depending on the volume of participation that day. 

*** Please have all required documentation to ensure that we eliminate any unnecessary wait time.

Test-to-Stay Program:

  • If you are a close contact to a positive Covid case and have no symptoms, you are qualified for the test-to-stay program.

  • Test-to-stay Covid testing is performed at Pennington school between 7:30am and 11:00am Monday through Friday when school is in session.

  • If you are in the test-to-stay program, testing is required on days 1-2, 3-4, and 5-7, from the date of exposure.


    • Your student's QR code (Printed)

      • If you do not have your child's QR code, please visit the STRAC PA Rapid Test website HERE to register. Once registered, a QR code will be sent to you through email.

      • Although the QR code on the phone also works, we have found that the process with the printed copy goes much faster.

    • Consent form

      • A signed testing permission slip is required each time you come to test – to access the permission click HERE.

  • Pull your car in line as close as possible to the car in front of you. We will continue to utilize two lines to avoid the backup of cars onto the road.

  • Bring the documentation confirming that your student was tested to the building secretary for attendance

  • Alert the building nurse your student has tested negative on the assigned day.