School Messenger’s Safe Arrival
Absence Reporting System
SafeArrival gives parents 3 options to report an absence: by phone, by using an App, or logging into the website (directions for each option are included in this website). This system will be available 24 hours/day, 7 days a week. Future absences can also be reported in advance. Parents/Guardians who report their child's absences using the SafeArrival system will NOT receive a call from our automated attendance system. Additionally, Parents/Guardians who report their child's absences using the SafeArrival system will NOT be required to send in an additional absence note as the reporting system will count as the note*.
SafeArrival uses our student information system (ALMA) to verify all accounts so it is important that parents/guardians use the same email address on file in ALMA when creating their SafeArrival account.
Please take a moment (1:07) to watch an overview of the School Messenger Safe Arrival System on how to report your child absent from school.
Please Click On The Image Below To Download The Appropriate App For Your Device
SchoolMesenger App (Free)
1. Provide your email address to the school.
2. Get the app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
3. Tap Sign Up to create your account.
4. Select Attendance from the menu, and then select Report an Absence.
Web And Mobile Web: Go.Schoolmessenger.Com
1. Provide your email address to the school.
2. Go to the website.
3. Click Sign Up to create your account.
4. Select Attendance from the menu, then select Report an Absence.
Toll-Free Phone
1. Call 1-877-638-1960.
2. Follow the instructions to report an absence.
Absences can be reported in advance: 24 hours/day 7 days a week
For any school day in the school term