Garnet Valley
Community that Cares
Engaging community & schools to support, educate, parent, and prepare our children to grow into healthy adults.
Please send in your family donation for the 2023-2024 school year.
We appreciate your support!
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The Garnet Valley CTC engages its community and schools in a partnership to support, educate, parent and prepare our children to grow into healthy adults.
The GV CTC is a vital, collaborative effort that makes a difference in the lives of our children as they confront the challenges, risks, and pressures of growing up. Caring adults are the driving force behind GV CTC's success. Ongoing recruitment of parents and new partners will grow the organization and enhance our level of impact. Data are used to make decisions, measure progress, and communicate transparently. GV CTC employs a convincing, coherent strategy that aligns with Garnet Valley School District efforts to effectively support K-12 families. GV CTC takes a systemic approach to:
support children in a multi-layered manner ( across all grades and at varying levels of need)
educate adults on the new realities of parenting
foster open dialogue between community members
promote the best possible environment for our children
The coalition provides families with new tools, eye-opening information, and confidential access to local providers of services.