Garnet Valley Education Foundation

The Garnet Valley Education FOundation is an independent, charitable nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote, support, and perpetuate the exemplary education provided by the Garnet Valley School District.


The Garnet Valley Education Foundation is an independent, charitable nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote, support, and perpetuate the exemplary education provided by the Garnet Valley School District.

What We Hope to Accomplish

By achieving its mission, the Foundation will partner with the school district to enhance and maximize innovative and progressive learning opportunities in all facets of student life. ​

Become a Member and Proud Supporter

Assist the Foundation in partnering with the school district to enhance and maximize innovative and progressive learning opportunities in all facets of student life.

Why We Need Your Support

The Foundation is an independent, charitable nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote, support, and perpetuate the exemplary education provided by the Garnet Valley School District.  Its Board adamantly believes that the district provides an extraordinary public education. It, however, realizes that the ability to maintain this standard is difficult. Educationally, our students require new and emerging skills that will prepare them to compete for jobs that are yet to exist.  Emotionally, they need a safe and caring approach that will make them healthy adults in a highly competitive and complex world.   

As the Garnet Valley School District balances its students’ educational and emotional needs, it must additionally practice sound fiscal stewardship for its taxpayers. Today, this stewardship is exponentially more complicated than it was just a decade ago as school districts throughout the Commonwealth face new realities that are shaped by a state pension crisis, burgeoning unfunded state and federal mandates, and the effects of the recent recession that continue to burden local, state, and national economies.  

Recognizing these educational, emotional, and financial complexities, the Foundation seeks to supply donations and alternative funding sources to promote, support, and perpetuate the innovative and progressive learning opportunities that the school community expects and our students need.  These sources are independent of the school district and its tax base yet designed to support identified initiatives.

Daily, other education foundations in surrounding communities show that supporting school districts through charitable giving is not only possible, but also a significant factor in maintaining a competitive advantage for their students.  Raising hundreds of thousands of dollars, these other foundations have engaged their communities on behalf of their children. It’s time for Garnet Valley to champion this charitable work by making the Garnet Valley School District Education Foundation a standard bearer of excellence for other communities to follow.