Flexible Instructional Day (FID)

Garnet Valley School District

Background Information

A Flexible Instructional Day (FID) is a program available to public school entities to be used as an alternative approach to delivering instruction if a circumstance arises that prevents instruction in the customary manner.

With the passage of Act 64 of 2016 (Act 64) Section 1506 of the Public School Code allows public school entities to develop a FID program to meet the 180 instructional day requirement of section 1501. Act 64 defines eligible school entities to include school districts, intermediate units, career and technical schools, charter schools and regional charter schools, as defined under section 1703-A. An FID program may be online, offline, or a combination of both.

While public school entities are expected to build make-up days into their local school calendars, FID programs can support public school entities in cases when circumstances (e.g., a disease epidemic, a hazardous weather condition, a law enforcement emergency, the inoperability of school buses or other equipment necessary to the public school entity's operation, damage to a school building, or another temporary circumstance rendering any portion of a school building unfit or unsafe for use) prevent the delivery of instruction in its customary manner or location.

Instances when a fid may be used

The district will primarily utilize snow days for storms with heavy snow, high winds, etc. However, we will use the flexibility of FIDs when we encounter indefinite forecasts, poor timing, etc. Additionally, once our built in days have been used each subsequent day will be a FID. For more information about the use of FIDs, please see the Pennsylvania Department of Education website.

FID Day Schedules

All Elementary Schools

*Schedules may vary based on grade level. Consult the specific schedule shared by your child’s school/teacher.


Homeroom/Morning Meeting (15-20 min) *Attendance Taken


Live Reading Mini Lesson (10-15 min)

*Independent Application Task(s) Assigned on Schoology


Live Writing Mini Lesson (10-15 min)

*Independent Application Task(s) Assigned on Schoology


Live Math Mini Lesson (10-15 min)

*Independent Application Task(s) Assigned on Schoology


Recess and Lunch on their own

Remainder of Afternoon

Asynchronous Special Areas (Schoology) (60 mins)

Asynchronous Content Area Assignments (Schoology) (60 min)

Need help with your child’s login information? Click the image below.

Garnet Valley Middle School

6th Grade

8:00am-8:40am Elective

8:45am-9:25am Content

9:30am-10:10am Content

10:15am-10:55am Elective

11:00am-11:40am Content

11:45am-12:20pm Content

12:25pm-12:55pm Lunch

1:00pm-2:40pm Student Support/Asynch. Work

7th Grade

8:00am-8:40am Content

8:45am-9:25am Content

9:30am-10:10am Elective

10:15am-10:55am Content

11:00am-11:40am Elective

11:45am-12:20pm Content

12:25pm-12:55pm Lunch

1:00pm-2:40pm Student Support/Asynch. Work

8th Grade

8:00am-8:40am Content

8:45am-9:25am Elective

9:30am-10:10am Content

10:15am-10:55am Content

11:00am-11:40am Content

11:45am-12:20pm Elective

12:25pm-12:55pm Lunch

1:00pm-2:40pm Student Support/Asynch. Work

Garnet Valley High School




Course 1/2


Course 3/4


Course 5/6


Course 7/8






Student Support/Asynch. Work

For more information on Flexible Instruction Days, including the application process and frequently asked questions posted to the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s website, click on the image below.

Need Help?

Technical Assistance and other Support systems

  • An LEA may use up to five FID days per school year for the reasons noted in Section 1506 of the Public School Code (24 P.S. § 15-1506).

  • In accordance with 24 P.S. § 15-1506, an FID may be used in place of in-person instruction for any one of the following reasons: a disease epidemic, a hazardous weather condition, a law enforcement emergency, the inoperability of school buses or other equipment necessary to the public-school entity's operation, damage to school buildings, or another temporary circumstance rendering any portion of a school building unfit or unsafe for use.

  • No, an FID must be used for the entire LEA (district-wide).

  • Yes, unless the roads are too hazardous to provide transportation.

  • All school work will be posted in Schoology. To access Schoology, please click HERE.

  • No worries, happens all the time. Please click HERE to access our login cheatsheet.

  • All work assigned during a FID is not due until 3 days later.

Frequently Asked Questions