Garnet Valley Middle School After School Clubs and Activities 2024-2025


The GVMS After School Activity Program offers a multitude of clubs that meet the varied interests of our students. If you have any questions regarding club details, please contact the sponsor at the email listed in this brochure.  Thank you for showing an interest in in our clubs and after school activities!


Each club will have their own Google Form in order to collect information.

PLEASE NOTE: When clubs reach their max enrollment, the Google Form will automatically shut down.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but each club can only accommodate a certain number of participants.  We appreciate your understanding. 

Club Expectations:

School rules apply during clubs.  Sponsors are responsible for making clubs a safe and open environment for all participants.  Participants who repeatedly disregard these rules will not be able to continue attending their selected club.  If this occurs, the club sponsor will notify the participant’s parents/guardians.

In the event a sponsor is absent, a substitute will run the activity or the session will be rescheduled. In the event an activity is cancelled because of weather or other unforeseen circumstances, the sponsor will make every effort to reschedule the missed session.  

Please pay attention to the start and stop time of each club as well as the pick-up location.  All participants must be picked up within five minutes of the ending of their session. Parents must wait outside as there will be no parents allowed to enter the building. Two or more late pick-ups may result in the loss of club privileges. We thank you in advance for your understanding, cooperation, and honoring our sponsors’ time both in and out of school.


Promoting Understanding During Dyslexia Awareness Week


🎶 GVHS Garba Event