Mrs. Kellie Saccomandi — MSN, CSN, RN




Mrs. Joan Flynn — MSN, CSN, RN



Mrs. Janine Baldino — MSN, CSN, RN



Garnet Valley Middle School

Mrs. Karen Vandenbraak — MSN, CSN, RN

610-579-5105 - office

610-558-5976 - fax

Garnet Valley High SCHOOL

Mrs. Lisa Larkin — MSN, CCRN, RN



School Nurse Electronic Documentation Information

The school nurse electronic documentation system (SNAP) allows parents to submit health conditions that school nurses should be aware of and approve over the counter medications that can be given at school if needed. 

The below medications are able to given to your student if needed. If any of these medications should not be offered to your student during the school day please access your student’s profile and remove those medications.  Otherwise, the medications will be offered to your student if needed. 

  • Tums (calcium carbonate)

  • Maalox (for indigestion)

  • Gaviscon (antacid)

  • Tylenol (acetaminophen) 

  • Advil (ibuprofen)

  • Halls cough drops

  • Hydrocortisone 1% cream (for bug bites or skin irritation)

  • Bacitracin (antibiotic ointment for cuts/abrasions)

  • Lidocaine spray/cream for treatment of minor burns

  • Orajel (mouth ulcer/ tooth pain)

  • Benadryl ointment/gel/spray (for skin irritation/rash)

  • Benadryl tabs/melts (allergic reaction)

  • Ammonia inhalant for syncopal episode (fainting)

  • Albuterol inhaler (asthma)

  • Epinephrine auto-injector (allergic reaction)

  • Coke syrup (for nausea)

  • Opcon-A eye drops (for itchy/red eyes due to allergic reaction)

  • Lubricating eye drops (for dry eyes)

Important forms and policies

    1. Log onto Please log on from a computer, not a smart phone.  This system is not compatible with mobile devices. If you do not remember receiving an email, please enter your email then hit “forgot password” and follow the directions to log back in. 

    2. Select your student from the drop down at the top of the page. 

    3. Update any Allergy/Conditions that you would like us to know about by selecting “Health Conditions” on the left side. You may then add or edit information.

    Medications are listed in each student’s profile that were listed above. If it is ok for your child to receive these medications, you do not need to continue. If you wish to REMOVE over the counter medications that should NOT be given to your student please select MEDICATIONS on the left and then “OTC” on the right hand side.  “Opt out” of any medication that you would like to remove. Then hit DONE”. If you do not hit DONE, these changes will not be saved in the system. Any questions or concerns please contact your school nurse. 

    Thank you for your time in completing this information.

  • Immunizations

    Per Pennsylvania Health Code, students who are noncompliant with immunizations will not be permitted to enter school until proof of immunizations are received. 


  • Daily medications should be given at home, prior to starting the school day. Medications that must be taken at school must be dispensed by the school nurse. Students are not permitted to carry medication throughout the school day (with exception to epi pens, insulin, and inhalers with the proper documentation).

    If prescription medication needs to be given during the school day, a prescription from the doctor is needed stating students name, date of birth, the medication, dose and time it should be administered at school. A medication consent will also need to be completed by the parent/guardian. Parents will need to bring the medication into the nurse's office in the original bottle from the pharmacy. 

    OTC medications will need to be brought into the nurse’s office in the original package by a parent and a medication consent form will need to be completed by a parent. 

    Our nurses are able to provide OTC medications such as Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, TUMS, etc. Please follow our instructions for the SNAP Health portal if you DO NOT want OTC medications administered to your student.

    All medications will need to be picked up by the last day of school. Please arrange with your school nurse a time to pick up the medication. All medications by the last day of school will be disposed of. 


  • In order to keep our students and staff safe and healthy, it is important for parents to assess their students' health prior to sending them to school each day. Your child should be kept home if they have any of the following and their physician should be contacted for further medical advice: 

    • Fever of 100.0 or higher. Students must be fever free for 24 hours without medication prior to returning to school. 

    • Vomiting or diarrhea. Students must be vomit/diarrhea free for 24 hours prior to returning to school. 

    • Yellow/green drainage from eyes.   If a student is diagnosed with pink eye, students must be on medication prescribed from your child’s physician for 24 hours before returning to school. 

    • Excessive or constant coughing

    • Dizziness

    • Chills

    • Students diagnosed with Strep throat must be on antibiotics prescribed by their physician for 24 hours prior to returning to school. 

    Please report your student’s absence through Safe Arrival by School Messenger. 

  • Dental examination forms are required for all students entering Kindergarten, 3rd, & 7th grades.

    All new students must also submit a completed dental examination form prior to entering school.


  • All Garnet Valley Schools adhere to a "NO LATEX" policy. We have a number of students who are allergic to latex. It is of the utmost importance that items containing latex are not brought into Garnet Valley schools. Specifically, latex balloons are not allowed in GV schools.

  • Purpose

    The Board is committed to maintaining a healthy environment for students and staff. To fulfill that commitment, the Board establishes this policy to provide guidelines for the prevention and control of head lice in students.  The Garnet Valley School District will follow guidelines produced by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the National Association of School Nurses, and the Center for Disease Control.  


    At any time during the school year, the school nurse may examine a student for head lice. If live lice are identified the following procedures shall be implemented:

    • The student’s parents/guardians will be contacted and the student will be sent home at the end of the day with instructions for treatment of all family members and the home environment.  

    • The school nurse will provide information to the parent/guardian regarding recommended treatment.

    • The student will be readmitted to school following the first treatment.


    Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Center for Disease Control recommend the following practices to be discontinued:

    • Screening whole classrooms

    • Exclusion for nits or live lice

    • Notification of a classroom’s families that head lice has been identified in their student’s class

    The reasoning for these suggestions is that classroom screenings can be inaccurate and notification of a classroom’s families may be a breach of confidentiality.  The burden of unnecessary absenteeism outweighs the risks associated with head lice.


    Center for Disease Control Recommendations:

    Department of Health Recommendations:,immediately%20following%20the%20first%20treatment

    National School Nurses Association Position Statement:

  • Physical exams are required for all students entering Kindergarten, 6th, & 11th grades. 

    All new students must also submit a completed physical exam and proof of immunizations prior to entering school.