Facilities & Maintenance
Concord Elementary School
114 Station Rd
Glen Mills, PA 19342
Bethel Springs Elementary
3280 Foulk Rd
Garnet Valley, PA 19060
Garnet Valley Elementary
559 Smithbridge Rd
Glen Mills, 19342
Garnet Valley
Middle School
601 Smithbridge Rd
Glen Mills, PA 19342
Garnet Valley
High School
552 Smithbridge Rd
Glen Mills, PA 19342
Facility Rules & Regulations
School Facilities
Wishing to encourage the broader use of the facilities of the Garnet Valley School District by the citizens and organizations of this district, the Board of School Directors establishes the following regulations for such use:
1. Classification of Users
A. Class 1- Includes, but is not limited to, clubs and organizations such as band/music boosters, athletic boosters, parents and educators associations and teacher-parent leagues, student clubs and organizations, and district employee organization.
B. Class 2 - Includes, but is not limited to, clubs and organizations such as district civic organizations, district youth organizations, district political organizations, and district educational groups.
C. Class 3 - Includes, but is not limited to, groups and/or organizations such as (1) non-public schools, (2) adult industrial recreation groups/athletic leagues, (3) religious organizations, and (4) profit-making organizations.
D. Class 4 – Includes, but not limited to, organizations that provide a service for the betterment of the Garnet Valley School District.
2. User Fees
A. Class 1 - No charge for facility use when custodial personnel are regularly on duty. If custodial personnel are not on duty, the user must pay for the cost of personnel to open the facility. Groups in this category may charge admissions without incurring a facilities usage charge when the purpose of the admission is to defray the cost from supporting the school sponsored activity.
B. Class 2 - Same as Class I, except that if an admission fee is charged the facility usage charges will be applicable.
C. Class 3 - Must pay the appropriate facilities usage charges.
D. Class 4– Facilities usage fees and insurance requirements will be pre - negotiated by the Director of Business and Support Services. Custodial overtime and security fees may still be applied at the regular rate.
3. Users Fee Schedule
Please see attached fee schedule
4. Required Liability Insurance
A. Groups and organizations falling into Classifications II and III must submit Certificate of Insurance with application for facility use. Facility usage will not be authorized without evidence of insurance. The said certificate shall include the Garnet Valley School District as an additional insured under the conditions and coverage of the policy. Coverage requirements for the use of facilities shall be:
General Liability (Bodily Injury and Property Damage) - $2,000,000
5. Application for Building Use for a Series of Meetings or Activities
A. An applicant / organization who seeks usage of a facility on a continuing basis, may file only one application listing all inpidual usage dates.
6. Restrictions
A. The possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages or other mood modifiers on school grounds or in school facilities are strictly forbidden.
B. Smoking is not permitted in any school facility. Effective July 1, 1994, smoking anywhere on any school property is prohibited and punishable by fine.
C. The user is accountable for the proper conduct of participants and spectators and shall remain on the premises until all other persons have vacated the premises.
D. Personal items of the user, such as equipment or stage sets, must be removed immediately following the activity.
E. All users must meet with the district's Facilities Manager prior to their usage and attend the Annual Facilities usage Meeting, to review the guidelines and procedures.
7. The Board of School Directors of the Garnet Valley School District reserves the right to waive all charges or portions thereof, when it is in the best interests of the school district and the citizens of the community.
These rules and regulations are to be followed anytime that the cafeteria and kitchen are used during special functions.
If any organizations need to use either of these areas then a facility usage request form must be filled out and submitted to the food service manager for approval.
The food service manager must also arrange for a food service worker to be present during these functions. The food service worker, who is assigned to be present during a function, will offer assistance when ever needed, and will advise them on what equipment can be used for that particular function. The food service worker will be the only person to handle the keys for refrigerators, freezers, etc.
Any group or organization wanting to store food or beverages in the walk-in refrigerator can do so as long as a food service worker is present at assist. All food, beverages, and paper products stored within the cafeteria and kitchen is the property of the school and can’t be used at anytime. If any of theses items are used during a function, the group or organization using them will be charged for them.
No one under the age of 16 is to be allowed in the kitchen areas at any time due to health and safety regulations.
The following kitchen equipment is to be used only by the food service worker who is assisting at function.
1. Kitchen Kettle
2. Slicer
3. Steamers
4. French Friers
The use of the steam tables, knives, ovens, stovetops and warmers are permitted to be used with proper instruction, caution, and care.
If anyone has any questions or comments, please contact the food service manager at 610-579-7755.
Steve Wanczyk
Food Service Manager