Facilities & Maintenance
Concord Elementary School
114 Station Rd
Glen Mills, PA 19342
Bethel Springs Elementary
3280 Foulk Rd
Garnet Valley, PA 19060
Garnet Valley Elementary
559 Smithbridge Rd
Glen Mills, 19342
Garnet Valley
Middle School
601 Smithbridge Rd
Glen Mills, PA 19342
Garnet Valley
High School
552 Smithbridge Rd
Glen Mills, PA 19342
AHERA Notifications
In 1987 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promulgated the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) under Title 40 Part 763, Subpart E of the Code of Federal Regulations. This rule required local education agencies (LEAs) to identify friable and non-friable asbestos-containing material (ACM) in public and private elementary and secondary schools by visually inspecting school buildings for such materials, sampling such materials if they are not assumed to be ACM, and having samples analyzed by appropriate techniques referred to in this rule.
In keeping with this legislation, Garnet Valley School District was inspected by EPA accredited inspectors and a comprehensive management plan was developed for handling asbestos containing building material in a safe and responsible manner. This plan was originally developed and submitted to the Commonwealth in 1988.
This year, GVSD conducted the following actions with respect to its asbestos containing building materials: Six month periodic asbestos surveillances, as well as three year re-inspections.
A copy of the asbestos management plan is available for review in the district’s Facilities Office. Questions related to the plan should be directed to Bob Sanderson, Director of Operations, (610) 579-7484.
Environmental Control Systems - 2020
Re: AHERA Management Plan