Garnet Valley Elementary Counseling Office

Counseling Curriculum

Developmental Guidance is one of our students' special area classes. Counselors meet with each class once a week for two of the year's three trimesters. 

Our curriculum can be categorized into three main areas. 

  • Personal / Social Development

    • social-emotional learning

    • communication / interpersonal skills

    • social thinking

    • expected v. unexpected behaviors

    • labeling feelings

    • managing emotions

    • effective problem solving

    • self-esteem

  • Academic Integration

    • study skills and test-taking strategies

    • time management and organizational skills

    • educational goal setting and self reflection

    • middle school transition (5th grade)

  • Career Exploration

    • purpose of school

    • explore various careers

    • gain career awareness

    • compare personal interests and strengths to workers in the global community