2-14-22 Masking Update
February 22nd regular meeting Garnet Valley School Board will vote on revising the District’s current Health Plan to recommend but not require masking in District buildings.
Update on Masking
The next step for our district considers transitioning from masks required in all district buildings to masks recommended, thus giving students and employees a choice based on their comfort and needs.
Black History Month
During the month of February we celebrate Black History Month. We continue to honor the men, women, and children that stood up to injustice, promoted peace and love, and encouraged the world to embrace the idea that all of us should be treated equally.
Closing After School Activities
All after school activities are canceled this afternoon due to impending weather.
Lunar New Year
Lunar New Year 2022: Also known as Chinese New Year and Spring Festival, it is celebrated by Chinese communities across the world.
1-28-2022 Early Dismissal
We are dismissing students early today. Road conditions are deteriorating and our sidewalks and driveways are beginning to ice as well.
1-18-22 Proposed Health Plan
Garnet Valley School District Proposed Health and Safety Plan 2021-22 Academic Year Initial Effective Date: July 30, 2021, updated August 15, 2021 and January 18, 2022.
Work Session Superintendent’s Report
Please click here to access the Superintendent's Presentation to the Board During Public Work Session.
1-7-2022 weather closing
All schools and offices will be closed tomorrow, Friday, January 7, 2022. In addition to our school closures, our Test-to-Stay program will not operate again until Monday, January 10th.
Test-to-Stay Program
In an effort to help the Test-to-Stay program run both effectively and efficiently, we are providing an overview of the requirements needed to participate.
1-3-2022 Snow DAY
All schools and offices will be closed today. Additionally, after school activities and practices are also canceled.
Return to In-Person Learning
Our plan for Monday, January 3, 2022, continues to be in-person learning for all students.
GVSD 2022 Elementary Winter Clubs Brochure
Our GVSD 2022 Elementary Winter Clubs Brochure is Here!
COVID-Related Information
As we close our classroom doors and prepare ourselves for the holiday celebrations with family and friends, we ask that all of you continue to maintain the safety measures that have kept us healthy thus far.
GVHS Names Eric VanWyk as New Head Varsity Football Coach
The Garnet Valley High School Athletic Department is excited to name Mr. Eric VanWyk as the new head varsity football coach.
UPDATE: 12-16-21 TikTok Threat
As local and national law enforcement agencies continue to investigate the threats posted to TikTok, no evidence has been found connecting them to any local school districts.
Important Message
Important message regarding December 17th, from the Garnet Valley School District Superintendent of schools.
Important Information about Masking
On Friday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court struck down the Acting Secretary of Health’s school masking order. Therefore, the issue of masking now reverts to the District’s health and safety plan.
Important Information about GVMS
I wanted to make you aware of a situation that occurred at GVMS involving a terroristic threat made through social media. The individual(s) who are responsible for the post have been identified, and the Pennsylvania State Police are currently conducting the investigation.
11-30-2021 Masking Update
the Pennsylvania Supreme Court of Pennsylvania reinstated Governor Tom Wolf’s administration’s mandate requiring students, teachers and staff to wear face masks in school. It will remain in effect until further notice.